Shiva Ram Apps

Hangman Mania 1.0
Shiva Ram
Hangman(Jeopardy) Mania is a game/learningtool. Its a fun way to learn for all age groups. User can predictthe missing word or the trivia with or without a hint. Pointsawarded are higher without a hint. The app also has a section whereone can learn words and their meaning.TRIVIAIt has 5 Categories-GeographyHistoryScienceSportsEntertainmentWORDThe App has 4 levels for different levels expertise and age groups.User can predict the missing word with or without a hint. Pointsawarded are higher without a hint.MONEY REFUND IS CONTROLLED BY GOOGLE & NOT BY DEVELOPER. SOIF YOU DON'T GET A REFUND SEND ME A MAIL AND I WILL SEND YOU AREFUND.
Word Gamer 2.0
Shiva Ram
Word Learner is a game/learning tool. It canhelp you improve your knowledge of the English language in a funway for all age groups. The tool has the following four sections1) Level Setter - The App has 4 levels for different levelsexpertise and age groups.2) Learner - This provides a list of words with theirmeaning.3) Scambler - Words are scrambled and the user has to unscrambleit with or without a hint. Points awarded are higher without ahint.4) HangMan(Jeopardy) - User can predict the missing word with orwithout a hint. Points awarded are higher without a hint.5) Tester - Multiple choices are provided and user needs toselect the right answer. Points are awarded for every rightanswer.
Hangman 1.0
Shiva Ram
Hangman(Jeopardy) is a game/learning tool. Itcan help you improve your knowledge of the English language in afun way for all age groups.The App has 4 levels for different levels expertise and agegroups.User can predict the missing word with or without a hint. Pointsawarded are higher without a hint.The app also has a section where one can learn words and theirmeaning.MONEY REFUND IS CONTROLLED BY GOOGLE & NOT BY DEVELOPER. SOIF YOU DON'T GET A REFUND SEND ME A MAIL AND I WILL SEND YOU AREFUND.
Math Gamer 2.0
Shiva Ram
Math Learner is Android App for Kindergardeners & First to Fifth Graders. You can avoid the boringdrills and replace them with fun and games with a Objective. Thiscan replace all the workout books for kids.Random questions will be generated and the User will get scoresfor every right answer. If the answer is wrong the right answerwill be presented to the User. This will help them learn from theirmistakes.There are the sections in the app that kids can learn from.1) Set Level - The App has 3 levels and based on this thecomplexity of the questions will vary.2) Multiplication Tables- This section provides all themultiplication tables and one could learn or refresh you knowledgebefore going to the next sections. It goes all the way up-to100.3) Addition & Substraction - There are three sections togenerate questions. There is one section where Addition andSubstraction will be genrated in Random.4) Multiplication & Division - There are three sections togenerate questions similar to the previous section.Video:
Word Tester 1.0
Shiva Ram
Word Tester is a game/learning tool. Itcanhelp you improve your knowledge of the English language in afunway for all age groups. This app will also help in preprationsforSAT/GRE.The App has 4 levels for different levels expertise andagegroups.Multiple choices are provided and the user needs to selecttheright answer. Points are awarded for every right answer.The app also has a section where one can learn words andtheirmeaning.MONEY REFUND IS CONTROLLED BY GOOGLE & NOT BY DEVELOPER.SOIF YOU DON'T GET A REFUND SEND ME A MAIL AND I WILL SEND YOUAREFUND.
Word Tester Lite 2.0
Shiva Ram
Word Tester is a game/learning tool. It canhelp you improve your knowledge of the English language in a funway for all age groups. This app will also help in preprations forSAT/GRE.The App has 4 levels for different levels expertise and agegroups.Multiple choices are provided and the user needs to select theright answer. Points are awarded for every right answer.The app also has a section where one can learn words and theirmeaning.
Hangman Mania Lite 1.0
Shiva Ram
Hangman(Jeopardy) Mania is agame/learningtool. Its a fun way to learn for all age groups. Usercan predictthe missing word or the trivia with or without a hint.Pointsawarded are higher without a hint. The app also has a sectionwhereone can learn words and their meaning.TRIVIAIt has 5 Categories-GeographyHistoryScienceSportsEntertainmentWORDThe App has 4 levels for different levels expertise and agegroups.User can predict the missing word with or without a hint.Pointsawarded are higher without a hint.
Alpha Learner 2.1
Shiva Ram
Alpha Learner is Android App forpreschool,kindergarten, first grade, second grade kids. It is aninteractiveSpeech activated educational alternative to teach kids.You canavoid the boring drills and replace them with fun and gameswith aObjective.Copyright@2010 - ShivaThe App has six Sections which are Speech Activatewhenclicked:1) Alphabets2) Numbers3) Animals4) Flags5) Colors6) ShapesMONEY REFUND IS CONTROLLED BY GOOGLE & NOT BY DEVELOPER.SOIF YOU DON'T GET A REFUND SEND ME A MAIL AND I WILL SEND YOUAREFUND.
A+ Learner 2.0
Shiva Ram
A+ Learner is Android App forpreschool,kindergarten, first grade, second grade kids. It is aninteractiveSpeech activated educational alternative to teach kids.You canavoid the boring drills and replace them with fun and gameswith aObjective.For all the functionalities buy "Alpha Learner" and get allthefeatures as shown in video below.The App has 2 Sections which are Speech Activatewhenclicked:1) Alphabets2) Numbers - Shiva
Hangman Lite 3.0
Shiva Ram
Hangman(Jeopardy) is a game/learning tool. Itcan help you improve your knowledge of the English language in afun way for all age groups.The App has 4 levels for different levels expertise and agegroups.User can predict the missing word with or without a hint. Pointsawarded are higher without a hint.The app also has a section where one can learn words and theirmeaning.
Know Your Mind 5.0
Shiva Ram
What is MIND? Is Mind a devils workshop?Manyof us don't want to be idle and keep our self busy byrunningbehind Gadgets, TV, Work etc. Are we trying to run away fromourMIND? Is MIND taking us to places that are not REAL? Manycommondiseases due to Psychological Disturbances are on anincrease. Whydoes an 89 year old man with no money dies happy but a61 year oldexecutive with all the money in the world dies ofstress? We arebecoming weaker and weaker as a generation, why isthis happening?We spend no time to introspect our self. It's important toknowhow to control one's mind. Knowing more about how the mindworkswill help us in this venture. The concepts are very simple andmanyof us already know these but we never implement it whileit’staking place, as it’s not a part of our subconscious mind.Thisdocument is a set of suggestions and experiences of others.Thereis no one right answer. All of us have an internal guruguiding usand we need to internalize these accordingly.My knowledge is acquired and I am still struggling toimplementthem. So if you see some errors please do send me an emailwithyour feedbackJ. But do try to read this with your heart andnotwith your MIND. Thoughts emanating from the MIND will not letusinternalize these facts. The mind may focus on grammaticalmistakesrather than the contents.